Monday, October 24, 2011

Steve Jobs Biography has been Released

steve jobs biography
Yeah, Steve Jobs Biography officially has been released today, October 24, 2011. I hear this good news from salingsilang. The book that written by Walter Isaacson can be accessed in both iTunes (digital formats) and Amazon (hardcover).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Create DAO using Java

What is DAO (Data Access Object) ? Maybe it's that currently exists in your mind. It’s very reasonable because it’s usually spoken by someone who is just learning programming. About what DAO is will be discussed by the Ar-Rohman Software House Team in another post, so please be patient to wait. In this post we will explain how to make it directly(we got this idea after completing the DAO of Equipment History Software).

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How to Parse String into Date

After creating the DAO (Data Access Object) of Equipment History Software there is one interesting thing that Ar-Rohman Software House Team have learned. The thing is Parsing String Data Type into Date Data Type. As we know that basically all programs, software, or applications input are usually using character (char, String, etc.) or numbers (int, float, etc.). What if it input in the Date data type form ? Here's the tutorial to parse String data type into Date data type using Java.

Friday, September 23, 2011

RIM (Research in Motion) Fact

RIM (Research in Motion) has become very famous today because they able to create the Blackberry, one of the world's most popular smartphones. Especially at this time in Indonesia, RIM has become a fairly warm talking subject because they have established their factories in Malaysia. How RIM can be big as it is today ? Here is the fact.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Database Design of Equipment History Software

Alhamdulillah, Database Design of Equipment History Software has been successfully created by Ar-Rohman Software House Team in one night after analyzing the customer demand for a week. There is a new experience in the process of it SQL syntax making that we will share to you through this post. The SQL syntax is associated with a feature that requested by the customer. Previously, please look at this table design picture.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yogyakarta's Kampoeng Cyber

In the information era that everything runs fast as today, the space and the time differences are no longer be the constraints to accessing information. This is caused by very quickly the information technology development. By accessing the information, we would likely be able to read the opportunities that exist for us to use as we wish, of course, to do something useful.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Java SE 7 Surplus

Oracle has just released Java Standard Edition 7 (Java SE 7), the Java platform latest version. Of course this version has several advantages when compared with the previous version. Here is these advantages :

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our First Online Order

Alhamdulillah, this week Ar-Rohman Software House has received orders for the first time. It is truly amazing and beyond our expectation because this business is still running for two months. In fact, we get two bids directly.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Unicode Sundanese Script Standard

I just found out that the Indonesia’s Sundanese Script had been converted to the Unicode Standard since April 2008. The news I get from @GNFI twitter account. The script’s Unicode block is U+1B80 - U+1BBF.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Angry Birds Popularity

Wow ! Since released in 2009, Angry Birds Game now has been downloaded by 300 million times. The news I got from @internetsehat twitter account.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Building Your Own Telecommunication & BTS Ebook

If you want to build your own telecommunication infrastructure and BTS in order to run your communication smoothly, so I recommend the VoIP Cookbook : Building your own Telecommunication Infrastructure Ebook. The ebook is written by Onno W. Purbo (a techie who wrote many practical ICT books) and Anton Raharjo (the founder of the largest community based SIP Softswitch VoIPRakyat in Indonesia).

Friday, September 9, 2011

Why Google Created Android

Google is the one of several reputable companies in the world today through its search engine application. Dissatisfied until there, lately the company has also started to explore other fields such as mobile device platforms, social networks, etc. In the mobile device platform field, Google created Android platform.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blackberry New Factory Construction in Malaysia Controversy

This morning @zahroul (Ar-Rohman Team) twitter account timeline filled with the discussion about Blackberry New Factory Construction in Malaysia. Actually this is not new news because RIM has built the factory in ​​Penang Area, Malaysia on July 1, 2011. The controversy that arise is why the plant was built in the country that has fewer users than the number of users in Indonesia.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Java LinkedList Collection Framework

What is a LinkedList ? LinkedList is a class extend from java.util.AbstractSequentialList and implement the interface List and Deque, this framework is used to handle the type of data structures stack and queue. In this post I will not discuss about the stack and queue. so I just focus on How to Implement  Stack & Queue in Java.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Low Cost Communication Infrastructure Guidelines Free Book

If you want to learn about wireless networks, especially about plan and create a telecommunications infrastructure at reasonable cost, there is nothing wrong if you download Wireless Networking in the Developing World Free Book. The materials this discussed in this free book include :

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award

Akhirnya menemukan juga sebuah kontes blog yang menilai kepositifan kontennya. Kontes tersebut dinamakan Internet Sehat Blog & Content Award (ISBA). ISBA sudah diadakan oleh sejak 2009 dan sudah banyak sekali melahirkan blog dengan konten lokal yang positif.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Steve Jobs Fact

Yesterday, August 25, 2011 surprisingly Steve Jobs sent a letter of his resignation as Apple CEO. That information has been discussed in various media and I get it from @internetsehat twitter account.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Java's Name Origin

As we already know that Java is the name of an island in Indonesia. According to the @GNFI twitter account, "Java (Java Island)" name is widely used by the band's name, café’s name, computer programs, etc. In addition, Java also become some cities name in the world.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Works Using Java

Software programming using Java is easy, the way is as follows:
JDK Download
1. Whatever your computer system operation as long as already has the JDK (Java Development Kit), you already can make applications using Java (Do you still remember with Write One, Run Everywhere jargon ?). So, the first step is installing the JDK.

Click to Download Latest JDK

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Short Story of Steve Jobs Early Life

After creating a post about Steve Jobs Fact, I became more interested with Steve Jobs life story. I will share about the short story of his early life below. This story comes from a Facebook user comment who has read “Outliers”, the book that written by Malcolm Gladwell.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia

Kendaraan bermotor sangat memegang peranan penting didalam era yang serba mobile seperti saat ini. Hal ini tidak bisa kita pungkiri lagi mengingat fungsi utama kendaraan bermotor yaitu sebagai alat yang efektif dan efisien untuk meningkatkan mobilitas manusia. Disaat bermobilisasi tersebut tentu banyak kejadian yang tidak diinginkan bisa menimpa kendaraan bermotor kita seperti kecelakaan, bencana alam, dan lain-lain. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah persiapan dan perlindungan untuk menanggulangi atau paling tidak untuk meminimalisir kerugian akibat berbagai hal tersebut dan Adira Asuransi Kendaraan Terbaik Indonesia adalah alternatif solusi terbaik.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Xerox, The Mechanical Mouse Original Developer

What’s in your mind when hearing the "Xerox" word ? Certainly it will direct your mind on things that related to printing such as printers, copiers, etc. In addition, There was anything unique else about Xerox. They were the first who developed the mechanical computer mouse.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nintendo's Unique Fact

After participating in the quiz which was held by @internetsehat twitter account, I found out that before known as a video game company as it’s today, Nintendo was had tried various niche businesses. Below I list the tweet picture about it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Differences Between OOP & Structural Programming

More deeper about OOP, in this post Ar-Rohman Software House Team will explain about The Difference between OOP and Structural Programming. As we know that working with OOP is certainly different with Structural Programming. The differences can be seen in the following table,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why We Use Java ArrayList

This time Ar-Rohman Software House Team will discuss about The ArrayList where before we had wrote about Framework Collection in Java. OK, What is ArrayList ? Which Class that implements the interface List. ArrayList advantages compared with other types of data structure is its ability to be flexible. Flexible mean here is the number of index can be changed automatically when adding or reducing the element.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What OOP is

After several posting about Java, it’s not complete if Ar-Rohman Software House Team don’t posting about OOP (Object Oriented Programming) immediately. Therefore, this post is the beginning of the post about OOP. By the way, what is OOP ?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Write One, Run Everywhere

Java Logo
The post title above is one of the main advantages when we use the Java software programming language. "Write One, Run Everywhere" meaning is when the Java program has been made then no longer have to worry it will run on any platform. Then, What about the mechanisms ?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Database Design of ETU Polinema's Prototype Web

Alhamdulillah, the database design of ETU Polinema’s web prototype have successfully created by Ar-Rohman Software House. As mentioned in previous post, which the prototype should be able to display things that are related to the PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program), ETU News, ETU Announcements, and ETU Agenda. Then, we classify the data into two types, namely, the PMW data and the posts data (News ,Announcements, and Agenda).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Getting Google Page Rank 3 in 2 Weeks

Alhamdulillah, after optimized for about two weeks finally Ar-Rohman Software House blog’s page rank that originally 0 has increased into 3. Actually we don’t expect it can be so fast, because we checked it using unofficial Google Page Rank Checker, but after we checked using the official Google Page Rank Checker which integrated with Google Toolbar, then we believe that our blog’s Page Rank is really 3.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Software Programming Basic Concept Part 3 : Translator Language

This post still has relationship with the Software Programming Language material. Programs that are written in software programming languages ​​will be translated into machine language (binary digits) by using The Translator Language.Here is the various of translator language :

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

State Polytechnic of Malang ETU Web Prototype Project

As a newly established business, Ar-Rohman Software House still does not have strong image in the software development services world. Through Bang Hamzah (Ar-Rohman Team) initiative, we use pick up the ball system to introducing our services. Among them is by offering web prototype for State Polytechnic of Malang ETU (Entrepreneurship Training Unit).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Software Programming Basic Concept Part 2 : Software Programming Language

OK, stepping into the next material, after reading the material about Computer Programming, let step into the next material about The Software Programming Languages​​. The program must be written in a language that can be understood by computer. The software programming languages ​​can be divided into :

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Software Sistem Informasi Social Responsibility Partnership Program PT. Pertamina (Persero)

Social Responsibility Partnership Program PT. Pertamina (Persero) yang bertempat di Jl. Merdeka Timur 1A Gedung Annex Lantai 8 Jakarta saat ini sedang mengupayakan program peningkatan layanan terhadap masyarakat (perorangan, lembaga pendidikan, lembaga kesehatan, dsb.). Salah satu program tersebut adalah Sistem Informasi Penyaluran Dana Social Responsibility Partnership Program.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Java Collection Framework

Java Collection Framework
The Collection Framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections, allowing them to be manipulated independently of the details of their representation. It reduces software programming effort while increasing performance. It allows for interoperability among unrelated APIs, reduces effort in designing and learning new APIs, and fosters software reuse. The framework is based on fourteen collection interfaces. It includes implementations of these interfaces, and algorithms to manipulate them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

E-KTP, Solusi Masalah Kependudukan Indonesia

E-KTP atau KTP Elektronik, topik ini memang saat ini lumayan menjadi trend yang dibicarakan oleh banyak orang. Mulai dari media pemberitaan hingga para pemerhati masalah korupsi silih berganti mengeluarkan opini mengenai topik ini. Bermaksud mengeluarkan opini juga, pada postingan ini Tim Ar-Rohman Software House akan mencoba menggali sisi positif dari pengimplementasian E-KTP itu sendiri sebagai solusi untuk mengatasi masalah kependudukan di Indonesia.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Algorithm Introduction Part 3 : Algorithm Writing

This post is the last part of the posts about The Algorithm Introduction. After we know about What Algorithm is and The Algorithm Characteristics, now let's we learn about The Algorithm Writing. Here are three kinds of algorithm writing that include:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Java's Terms

java's term
After learning about Java's Technology, let us now move to the next material about the Java’s Terms or it could be called as the Java Jargon. The terms that need to be understood at the level of the Java software programming language introduction can be seen in the table below.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello World !

Hello World, I really intrigued with this software programming terms. Why ? because this term is a simple software programming that always be learned by programmer when starting to learn software programming. You could say that Hello World is such a introduction program.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Introduction of Java Technology

introduction of java technology
Java, who the IT person that not familiar with this software programming language. Since 1995, this software programming language already getting popular and it is known as the reliable object oriented software programming language. Before learning more about Java, there is nothing wrong if we know first about the Java Technology.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Algorithm Introduction Part 2 : Algorithm Characteristics

Connecting with the previous post about What Algorithm is, in this post I will explain the next material about The Algorithm Characteristics. Still the same material on the previous post, this post is based on material which I get during college. Here are the summary,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our Experience When Participating in PKMT 2010

Just want to share about Ar-Rohman Software House Team experience when involving our software work, Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyah Interaktif on PKMT (Student Creativity Program in Technology) 2010. Actually, we only entered proposal submission stage but Alhamdulillah we can get a lot of valuable experience after participating in that technology contest.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Computer Programming

Software Programming, this case is interesting to learn. Especially in today’s era that emphasizes speed and accuracy, software programming has been regarded as an effective and an efficient problem solving tool. For that, there is nothing wrong if we learn about it basic concept first. Then, happy to read …

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Algorithm is

In this post I will try to discuss about the algorithm based on the material that I learned while in college. For friends who are studying software programming must have often heard this programming term, but what algorithm is ? More about it, please read the summary below.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Learning to Recognize Hijaiyah Letters with Fun

This learning software is intended for TPA/TPQ childrens who are studying to recognize the hijaiyah letters. Considering the tongue in early childhood is still soft so it can be easily trained to pronounce the hijaiyah letters properly. This software contained list of hijaiyah letters equipped with it pronunciation, it vowel pronunciation (in this case is still fathah), and exercise in random letters appearance form.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Alhamdulillah, only that word which can we say when creating Ar-Rohman Software House. After so long wanted to create a blog which can provide benefits for which the reader, finally we decided to create this blog.

This blog contains a variety of informatics knowledge that we've gained during the lecture,in which case we are more focused on matters which relating with object oriented such as applications/softwares, databases, and tutorials. In addition, there are some things that readers can download it for free.