Saturday, August 13, 2011

Database Design of ETU Polinema's Prototype Web

Alhamdulillah, the database design of ETU Polinema’s web prototype have successfully created by Ar-Rohman Software House. As mentioned in previous post, which the prototype should be able to display things that are related to the PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program), ETU News, ETU Announcements, and ETU Agenda. Then, we classify the data into two types, namely, the PMW data and the posts data (News ,Announcements, and Agenda).

Well, we will explain about the posts data, for the first look at the following design.

Database Design of ETU Polinema's Web Prototype

We store all of the posts in one table namely “posting” table and to differentiate its type we are create “jenisposting” table. So, to display the posts based on the type data we are simply add "jenisposting.jenis" after WHERE clause in its SQL query.

How? It isn’t quite simple ? If there is still unclear, just leave your comment here or send it to Insyaallah we will  reply it as soon as possible. Thanks ...


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