Saturday, August 13, 2011

Database Design of ETU Polinema's Prototype Web

Alhamdulillah, the database design of ETU Polinema’s web prototype have successfully created by Ar-Rohman Software House. As mentioned in previous post, which the prototype should be able to display things that are related to the PMW (Student Entrepreneurial Program), ETU News, ETU Announcements, and ETU Agenda. Then, we classify the data into two types, namely, the PMW data and the posts data (News ,Announcements, and Agenda).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Getting Google Page Rank 3 in 2 Weeks

Alhamdulillah, after optimized for about two weeks finally Ar-Rohman Software House blog’s page rank that originally 0 has increased into 3. Actually we don’t expect it can be so fast, because we checked it using unofficial Google Page Rank Checker, but after we checked using the official Google Page Rank Checker which integrated with Google Toolbar, then we believe that our blog’s Page Rank is really 3.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Software Programming Basic Concept Part 3 : Translator Language

This post still has relationship with the Software Programming Language material. Programs that are written in software programming languages ​​will be translated into machine language (binary digits) by using The Translator Language.Here is the various of translator language :

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

State Polytechnic of Malang ETU Web Prototype Project

As a newly established business, Ar-Rohman Software House still does not have strong image in the software development services world. Through Bang Hamzah (Ar-Rohman Team) initiative, we use pick up the ball system to introducing our services. Among them is by offering web prototype for State Polytechnic of Malang ETU (Entrepreneurship Training Unit).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Software Programming Basic Concept Part 2 : Software Programming Language

OK, stepping into the next material, after reading the material about Computer Programming, let step into the next material about The Software Programming Languages​​. The program must be written in a language that can be understood by computer. The software programming languages ​​can be divided into :

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Software Sistem Informasi Social Responsibility Partnership Program PT. Pertamina (Persero)

Social Responsibility Partnership Program PT. Pertamina (Persero) yang bertempat di Jl. Merdeka Timur 1A Gedung Annex Lantai 8 Jakarta saat ini sedang mengupayakan program peningkatan layanan terhadap masyarakat (perorangan, lembaga pendidikan, lembaga kesehatan, dsb.). Salah satu program tersebut adalah Sistem Informasi Penyaluran Dana Social Responsibility Partnership Program.